BiP makes it easy to communicate in different languages using the BiP Translator. Follow the steps below to learn how you can have your messages translated instantly.
Translate Outgoing Messages
Step 1. Open BiP Messenger.
Step 2. Select a chat.
Step 3. Click the three dots at the top right hand side of your screen.
Step 4. Select ‘Translate Settings’
Step 5. If you would like your outgoing messages to be translated, turn on ‘Outgoing Auto Translate’. The colour will change from grey to blue when activated.
Step 6. Give permission to BiP to translate.
Step 7. All your outgoing messages will now be translated. In the example below, Mary J sent "Hola! Como Estas?" (Spanish) to John Wick. The message has been translated to "Hello! How are you doing?"(English translation).
Please note: The person who is receiving the message is required to turn on “Incoming Auto Translate”
Translate Outgoing Messages
Step 1. Open BiP Messenger.
Step 2. Select a chat.
Step 3. Click the three dots at the top right hand side of your screen.
Step 4. Select ‘Translate Settings’.
Step 5. If you would like your incoming messages to be translated, turn on ‘Incoming Auto Translate’. The colour will change from grey to blue when activated.
Step 6. Give permission to BiP to translate.
Step 7. All your outgoing messages will now be translated. In the example below, Mary J sent "Estoy bien!" (Spanish) to John Wick. The message has been translated to "I am fine!" (English translation).
Please note: The person who is receiving the message is required to turn on “Incoming Auto Translate”